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create a safe space for language2.png

make language fun & enjoyable

tabloid (11" x 17")

Say a Phrase 1

dice game

36 phrases

1 game boards

tabloid (11" x 17")

letter (8.5" x 11")

Greetings & Visiting

dice game

60 terms/phrases

10 game boards

letter (8.5" x 11")

letter (8.5" x 11")

Say a Phrase 2

dice game

60 phrases

10 game boards

letter (8.5" x 11")

tabloid (11" x 17")

Home & Food

dice game

36 terms

1 game board

tabloid (11" x 17")

tabloid (11" x 17")

Colors & Nouns

dice game

38 terms

1 game board

tabloid (11" x 17")

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