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our father
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thy will be done
ī tiyihtaman kitawī tōhcikātīw
ᐁ ᑎᔨᐦᑕᒪᐣ ᑭᑕᐍ ᑑᐦᒋᑳᑌᐤ
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our daily bread
kā ōhci pimātisiyāhk
ᑳ ᐆᐦᒋ ᐱᒫᑎᓯᔮᕽ
00:00 / 00:03
who trespass against us
aniki kā wani itōhtakōyākwāw
ᐊᓂᑭ ᑳ ᐘᓂ ᐃᑑᐦᑕᑰᔮᒁᐤ
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for the power
mīna sōhkātisiwin
ᒣᓇ ᓲᐦᑳᑎᓯᐏᐣ
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who art in heaven
kīcih kīsikōhk kā ayāyan
ᑫᒋᐦ ᑫᓯᑰᕽ ᑳ ᐊᔮᔭᐣ
00:00 / 00:02
on earth
ōta askihk kā isih ayāk
ᐆᑕ ᐊᐢᑭᕽ ᑳ ᐃᓯᐦ ᐊᔮᐠ
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forgive us
mīna asīnamawinān
ᒣᓇ ᐊᓭᓇᒪᐏᓈᐣ
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lead us not into temptation
mīna kawitha itōhtahinān otīkimikōwinihk
ᒣᓇ ᑲᐏᖬ ᐃᑑᐦᑕᐦᐃᓈᐣ ᐅᑌᑭᒥᑰᐏᓂᕽ
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and the glory
mīna kiskīthākosiwin
ᒣᓇ ᑭᐢᑫᖭᑯᓯᐏᐣ
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hallowed be thy name
kitawī kanathiyinthakan kiwīthowin
ᑭᑕᐍ ᑲᓇᖨᔨᐣᖬᑲᐣ ᑭᐍᖪᐏᐣ
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as it is in heaven
kīcih kisikōhk
ᑫᒋᐦ ᑭᓯᑰᕽ
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our trespasses
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deliver us from evil
māka mi tākonamawinān macih kīhkway
ᒫᑲ ᒥ ᑖᑯᓇᒪᐏᓈᐣ ᒪᒋᐦ ᑫᐦᑿᐩ
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forever and ever amen
kākikī mīna kākikī amen
ᑳᑭᑫ ᒣᓇ ᑳᑭᑫ ᐊᒼeᐣ
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thy kingdom com
kitipīthicikīwin kitawī ohcīpatho
ᑭᑎᐯᖨᒋᑫᐏᐣ ᑭᑕᐍ ᐅᐦᒉᐸᖪ
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give us this day
mithinān anohc kā kīsikāk
ᒥᖨᓈᐣ ᐊᓄᐦᐨ ᑳ ᑫᓯᑳᐠ
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as we forgive those
kā isih asīnamawicik
ᑳ ᐃᓯᐦ ᐊᓭᓇᒪᐏᒋᐠ
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for thine is the kingdom
kītha kitayān tipīthīcikīwin
ᑫᖬ ᑭᑕᔮᐣ ᑎᐯᖧᒋᑫᐏᐣ
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